About Us

About US

Concerned Nuer Women (CNW) is a non-profit nongovernmental Women's rights- organization, that is mainly involved in empowering women and girls, aiming for gender equality and the eradication of all forms of discrimination against women and girls. Through empowering and mobilizing women’s participation in all areas that are affecting them, socially, politically, educationally, and economically.

Concerned Nuer Women was formed in 2016 by a group of Nuer Women across the globe to empower Women and girls aiming for equal rights in decision making especially in the Government of the Republic of South Sudan. Furthermore, it became a platform to raise awareness of issues of public concerns. The platform facilitated public awareness addressing issues of concern to our Children, youth socially, educationally, politically, and culturally. CNW is committed to advocate for peace and equality.


Our mission is to provide a platform dedicated to empowering women and girls. We urgently focus our attention and efforts to promote social, educational, economical, and political development of women and girl’s. This extends to advocating for women’s rights, eliminating discrimination against women, advancing women’s capacities and leadership skills, promoting participation in the decisions that affect their lives, and amplifying their voices for peace and security in Nuer community, as well as at the national levels.


• CNW become self-sustaining and remain well recognized in their community, respected, and empowered.

• Outstanding role in advocate of women's rights, invest and promote women capacity building and driving force of social change.

• Act as catalyst for change, leading a healthy, diverse society, fighting to see women represented in positions of decision making in the Republic of South Sudan.

Core Value

1. CNW believes in change: we work hard to identify barriers preventing women from accessing their rights, access to equity and equality.

2. We are committed to promote equality and empower women and girls and eradicate any barriers that prevent full participation of women and girls in political life.

3. We believe that community participation is an essential part of the process for good governance and community development, we encourage women, girls and youth’s participation in all leadership and decision-making levels.

4. We believe in full and inclusive participation by all and that every person, man, women, or community has the right and responsibility to contribute their talents, skills, and resources to the work we do, for and with them.